You Can Still Love Yourself and Be a work in Progress
Oh, this is so true!
I used to wish that I was some magical, perfect version of myself. And I wasn’t going to be happy until I got there.
One of my biggest a-ha moments was when I realized that I was NEVER going to make it to some big, awesome, Missy-Utopia universe.
It may seem depressing to realize you will never be perfect. But actually, if you let it, it releases all of the pressure to BE perfect. Since you can never ACTUALLY be perfect.
So what is the point? To do and be better than I was yesterday.
Sometimes I am better. And for that I am thankful.
Sometimes I am NOT better, but I am not worse, either. And for that I am thankful.
And sometimes I do take a step backwards. I’m human. I make mistakes.
I just want to make less mistakes. And more good choices. And be better than I was 10 years ago. Or last year.
Overall, am I doing better?
Yes, I lost my shit last week. But am I losing my shit LESS than I used to?
I consider that a win.
Because it’s not the end of the game.
I’m still working.