This is your life — Are you who you want to be?
Live your life on purpose and for purpose every single day!
My name is Missy. I’m a wife, a mother of four, and someone who is just trying to figure out how to live my best life. It took years, but I finally figured out that my purpose is to love people and encourage them to find their purpose, their passion, their place in this world so they can live their best life. But what does that mean on a daily basis? I think it means I wake up and try to be intentional in my day. I want to find joy, but I also want to spread it. Sometimes I succeed, and sometimes I fail. Miserably. But I remind myself that tomorrow is a new day, a new opportunity to be better. Hell, five minutes from now is an opportunity to be better. I just have to choose that option. This website is just me trying to figure it all out!

Could Be…
I was reading r/adhdwomen on Reddit recently.
I try not to even open the app. It’s wildly addictive. But it’s also very therapeutic on some days. Days that I need to be told that I’m doing ok. At least X, Y or Z are not happening to me.
Could be worse.

I share my purpose journey through my stories…
I talk about how I worked through the process of finding my purpose and share the obstacles along the way.
There are times I have wanted to give up, and mountaintop moments I have never wanted to end.
It’s a process.
Every single day I have to work towards it.
I share my Purpose journey by writing about my surgeries…
Nothings gross. Just thoughts (fears) about what lies ahead, the pain of recovery, the frustration of setbacks, and the eventual moving on.
I share my purpose journey through a section called creating joy…
There is so much darkness in the world, I must take time to step away from it all and create something. Either with my hands or making an effort to make another person’s day more special. I need to cherish the time I have with loved ones and always remind them how special they are to me.
I share my purpose journey through quotes that have inspired me …
I love looking at quotes. When someone else is able to eloquently express what my heart longs to say. That is special…
I share my purpose journey through recipes …
Having to eliminate food has been very hard. It’s not a diet, in the way most people think of that word.
But I’ve learned some pretty amazing life lessons. Like how to make the most of things. How to look at what I can have, instead of always looking at what I can’t. I’ve learned to stretch myself.
I’m proud of what I have made. Nothing fancy. The recipes section is just a way for me to share what I have found to work.
My recipes omit gluten, soy, corn, eggs, dairy, peanuts, tree nuts, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and peppers.
And lastly, I share my purpose journey through animations …
I have discovered a new passion: animating the stories that I have written. It’s new. It’s not amazing.
But I’m getting there!